The EMMA Eurofinals will take place from Friday, May 16 to Sunday,May 18. Arrival of the vehicles will be Wednesday, May 15 from 14°° to 18°°. The Eurofinals will start on Friday 9°° 16th of May and end Sunday 14°°. The price giving ceremony is planned to start on Sunday at 16°°.

“EMMA Party, Saturday, May 17 at 19*”
Hall 2/6 closes at 19°°. Afterwards all exhibitors as well as all competition teams, EMMA staff and invited guests are welcome to move to hall 1 for the EMMA Party. We expect that all will leave hall 2/6 at latest 20°°. Food and beverage will be available during the Party. Each exhibitor will receive a number of tickets for the party according to the booth size. Also, all EMMA competitors will receive tickets with their registration.